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 setgraphmode()          Set the System to Graphics Mode

 #include   <graphics.h>

 void       far setgraphmode(mode);
 int        mode;

    setgraphmode() sets the system to graphics mode 'mode'.  'mode' must
    be one of the predefined graphics modes listed below and a valid mode
    for the current device driver. The modes (defined in <graphics.h>)
    are as follows:


    CGA        CGAC0          0     320x200    C0          1
               CGAC1          1     320x200    C1          1
               CGAC2          2     320x200    C2          1
               CGAC3          3     320x200    C3          1
               CGAHI          4     640x200    2 color     1

    MCGA       MCGAC0         0     320x200    C0          1
               MCGAC1         1     320x200    C1          1
               MCGAC2         2     320x200    C2          1
               MCGAC3         3     320x200    C3          1
               MCGAMED        4     640x200    2 color     1
               MCGAHI         5     640x480    2 color     1

    EGA        EGALO          0     640x200    16 color    4
               EGAHI          1     640x350    16 color    2

    EGA64      EGA64LO        0     640x200    16 color    1
               EGA64HI        1     640x350    4 color     1

    EGAMONO    EGAMONOHI      3     640x350    2 color     1*
               EGAMONOHI      3     640x350    2 color     4**

    HERCMONO   HERCMONOHI     0     720x348    2 color     2

    ATT400     ATT400C0       0     320x200    C0          1
               ATT400C1       1     320x200    C1          1
               ATT400C2       2     320x200    C2          1
               ATT400C3       3     320x200    C3          1
               ATT400MED      4     640x200    2 color     1
               ATT400HI       5     640x400    2 color     1

    VGA        VGALO          0     640x200    16 color    4
               VGAMED         1     640x350    16 color    2
               VGAHI          2     640x480    16 color    1

    PC3270     PC3270HI       0     720x350    2 color     1

    IBM8514    IBM8514HI      0     640x480    256 colors
               IBM8514LO      1     1024x768   256 colors

    *64K EGAMONO card
    **256K EGAMONO card

      Notes:    Be sure that initgraph() has been successfully called
                before setgraphmode().

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements save the current graphics mode before
    changing it to something else and restore it before the program

           #include <graphics.h>

           int gdriver = DETECT;
           int gmode;

               int savemode;

               savemode = getgraphmode();
               /* change to other graphics or text mode*/

See Also: getgraphmode() restorecrtmode() initgraph()
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